This blog chronicles my letterboxing adventures. It includes posts that share my travels that are letterboxing related, the letterboxes I have found and planted as well as the people I have met along the way. There are also photos included to help give a complete picture of the fun I had.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tarzan in Oak Park

Thomas and I made plans to visit Oak Park while in Chicago. Oak Park is where Frank Lloyd Wright lived and worked while in Illinois. There were other notable people who lived in this area - Ernest Hemingway for one and Edgar Rice Burroughs for another. There was a letterbox listed in Oak Park but its location was not given. You had to answer a series of questions about Burroughs and Tarzan to find the exact location. Before we left New Mexico I had figured out the location and now that we were in the area we decided to look for the box. The box is in an urban location and we had to be a little sneaky. We arrived at the location and followed each part of the clue. We found a little plaque and note about Burroughs and then searched for a couple of minutes before we found the box. I thought it was hidden in a good location and I liked the stamp - at least this one was hand carved. We really enjoyed learning a little more about Burroughs and Tarzan during this letterbox hunt.

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