This blog chronicles my letterboxing adventures. It includes posts that share my travels that are letterboxing related, the letterboxes I have found and planted as well as the people I have met along the way. There are also photos included to help give a complete picture of the fun I had.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Southern New Mexico Photos

Yesterday we made it back home after Thomas finished his work in Roswell. But, during the two days that Thomas was working I kept my self busy with a little letterboxing and some sightseeing.

One day I went in search of Holy Guacamole! - a mystery box by Astro D. Once I found it I wasn't disappointed, another great carve and logbook. I can't tell you too much about what I did that day because it might give the location away - and well, you need to solve it for yourself. I also looked for another letterbox that had reports of being missing - I like a good search and was in the area - so what the heck! Needless to say I didn't find the box - no problem.

I also took some time to get in a little exercise. There really isn't any places to hike in Roswell. So I found a walking trail that goes through town and connects Spring River Park and Zoo with Cahoon Park. It even goes a little past Cahoon Park. Each day I walked about 5 miles and then spent time reading in one of the parks. The weather was really nice both days. Not too hot and sunny during most of the day with some light rain showers in the afternoon.

The town of Roswell seems to have gone completely Alien. Almost everything has a little something about aliens on it. The lightpost, signs, display windows in stores, menus in restaurants, etcetera! So I made a visit to the International UFO Museum. There was so much information - I never realized the phenomenon was so widespread and popular. It was an interesting visit.

Well, it wasn't the most exciting time but it was very relaxing! I have some photos from the long weekend. Just click on the picture to see them. I hope you enjoy.

1 comment :

John and Diane said...

So that's what that logbook looked like! ;-) I wasn't quite sure. I always say I am going to photograph logbooks and FFCs and I never ever remember. Love the photos-

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