This blog chronicles my letterboxing adventures. It includes posts that share my travels that are letterboxing related, the letterboxes I have found and planted as well as the people I have met along the way. There are also photos included to help give a complete picture of the fun I had.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Another Letterbox on the Rail Trail

Well, another letterbox appeared on Atlas Quest yesterday. That box is also located on the Rail Trail, a theme that has progressed all this week - first with Wronghat's Santa Fe Super Chief, then Astro D's Toy Train Story and #07, and now ArnoldZiffel's Crossing to Safety (a three box series). I decided that I would get these boxes during my walk this morning. I usually walk the Spur Trail and then turn right and walk the Rail Trail towards Nine Mile Road. But today I decided to get these boxes so that meant I had to turn left on the Rail Trail towards Rabbit Road. This walk ended up being about a ten mile roundtrip walk. This was not a problem since I usually walk between six and twelve miles per day. And there was the added bonus of finding three boxes. The clues were perfect and I easily found all three boxes (and I was the first finder on these boxes). After finding the last box, stamping in and then returning it to its hiding spot I made the return trip to my car. These boxes were also planted for my 10th anniversary. The boxes were all about railroad signs which goes along with the train and rail trail theme. Thanks ArnoldZiffel for these great boxes.

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