I wasn't so worry about getting an early start today since I was pretty close to home. So I didn't get on the road until 8:30am. There wasn't much traffic so it was a pretty nice drive. I drove straight through to Albuquerque and since it was still early I decided to try and find a few boxes before heading up to Santa Fe.
I started my hunt on the westside since that was where I was coming in from and made my way to Coors.
The road not the beer and found the starting point for Westside Breeze. I followed the clues and walked to the landmark for the box. When I got there I read the clue again to determine exactly where to look for the box. I looked around and didn't see anyone so I reached under the statue and moved a few rocks but didn't find the box. I reread the clues and determined that this was the spot. So I decided to look around and I went to the side on my left and squatted down. And when I looked under the statue I saw something orange (like orange PZKut), so I reached in and pulled it out and it was the stamp. So I looked under the statue again to see if I could find the box and the logbook. I didn't find them, so I walked around the area and found the logbook in a bush next to the statue. I never did find the container. I decided to take the stamp and logbook home and contact the placer - I hope they write back soon so this box can be replaced. I then headed to my next destination - an area off of Rio Grande Blvd. just north of I40. There were two boxes in this area, one on a short walk between some houses - nothing really too exciting and the other took you on a short walk to the river. Nice and peaceful! (The theme I had for this weekend.) After getting these two boxes I made my way to San Mateo to find Dawn Light. The box is hidden in a little park that runs along San Mateo and has a large orange sculpture called Dawn Light. It didn't take me long to find the box and stamp in so I took some time to take a few pictures.
It had been a long day already with the drive and it was getting pretty hot in Albuquerque so I was ready to call it a day. I decided to look for one more box on a short walk before heading home. I made my way to Jefferson where there are lots of businesses - pretty much an industrial area. From the time that I turned down the road to the parking area for the box to the time I left that road I did not see another person - it was pretty weird. It was like all life form had disappeared. But that was okay it was nice and peaceful. I found that last box and stamped in and rehid it. I did make one last stop for gas before heading up to Santa Fe.
I am back home now safe and sound. I had a great weekend - it was nice and relaxing - just what I needed. And I got in some letterboxing - what could be better.
A nice and relaxing weekend, I could use right now! ;-)
Glad you had just that.
Take care!
I'm glad your letterboxing road trip turned out just the way you wanted it. Now you're recharged and ready to take on the world agn all the stresses again :)
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