A month or so ago I received an email from Bandaid in Connecticut. Her and her husband were going to be in Santa Fe. Mr. Bandaid was to be attending a convention (and by the way he is a noxer). During the times that he was at the convention Bandaid was going to do a little letterboxing. She also wanted to meet us for exchanges. They arrived last Sunday and during the week they did some sightseeing, attended the convention and did a little letterboxing. Thankfully most of the week was wonderful, sunny weather and warm. There were a couple of afternoon thunderstorms but nothing that last long. I received a note mid-week that Bandaid had a little trouble with find

ing some of my downtown boxes. A few months ago I had received a note from someone that couldn't find one of those same boxes. So this morning bright and early I headed out to check on three of these boxes. Thankfully they were all in place. I'm not sure why I got the missing box notice, maybe that person was in the wrong place or the clues were just a little too vague. I am happy to report that all of my downtown boxes are alive and well and hopefully will remain that way throughout the summer.
After doing all the check-ups and having a nice walk I headed to
Collected Works Bookstore to meet Bandaid and rubberpeace. As I was approaching the store I saw rubberpeace and caught up to her. Just about at the same time we saw a woman go into the bookstore and rubberpeace was positive that the woman was Bandaid. And sure enough she was right. We made the introductions, ordered coffee and tea and found a table. Immediately we went into exchanges and personal travelers. Once everything was stamped we just sat and talked. Our visit was wonderful. Bandaid told us a little about her life. An EMT in New York City, now a nurse, pilots airplanes and loves horses. She told us some very interesting stories. Both rubberpeace and I thought that she should write a book. It was a great visit and I am glad we got to meet and I am also glad she had a great time in
The City Different. The only thing that could have made it any better would have been if Astro D had been able to join us - but she was having fun in Las Cruces shopping at thrift stores and letterboxing.
Sounds like fun. Wish we could have been able to drive up to meet her, too.
In about a week, the Twinville Trekkers do intend to come up to Santa Fe to complete the second half of your Land of Enchantment Letterbox Series search, and maybe look for a few other boxes up there. We may even place one for you all to find, too. :)
Wish I could have been in 2 places at one time!
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