This morning Bell Motel, PI Joe and I went on a hike. They were after five letterboxes and I had my sights set on one - the other four I had already found. Now I had done part of this hike back in July but before I could get to the last box it started to rain so I had to turn around and head back. You can read about that hike at
Hiking, Letterboxing and Getting Wet. I knew that this hike would be hard since I had done a good part of it before but it turned out to be really tough. I am not in the best shape and haven't done much hiking this year so I wasn't sure what exactly would happen. But I was willing to try and I was looking forward to it. The hike we did today was to
Puerto Nambe.
The first part of this hike is a few switchbacks leading up to the National Forest fence. I have done this part quite a few times and it is always hard for me.
Along the way we stopped so they could find Purple Skeleton. At the fence we took a detour up to
Ravens Ridge (we didn't actually hike up the ridge) where they found Astro D's Ravens Ridge letterbox. We didn't stay there long as it was really windy and cold. Back at the gate to the National Forest they found Southwest Speedster. From the fence line to the creek near the junction for the trail to
Nambe Lake wasn't too bad for me - it is mostly level (some ups and downs but nothing serious). Near the creek crossing we stopped and they found their fourth box - What's it all about Mr. N? At this point I seriously thought about turning around and heading back. I was tired and the hike was kicking my butt. It didn't seem to bother PI Joe and Bell Motel and I felt like I was hindering them. But I really wanted to make it to the meadow and get this box so I continued on. I kept telling them to hike at the pace they wanted and eventually I would catch up to them but they would stop and take breaks with me along the way. Then we arrived at the switchbacks just before the meadow and here I really had trouble - I had to take frequent breaks. PI Joe kept stopping to let me catch up and Bell Motel went on ahead at her own pace.
Finally I arrived at the meadow and they were already stamping into Ché What? so I walked up and joined them. After a short break and a snack Bell Motel went and put the box back in place (since she was actually the one who had found it) and we started on our return trip.
This part of the hike back to the intersection with the trail for Nambe Lake wasn't too bad. Mostly downhill or level and along the way PI Joe hid a box he had with him. But the next part was all up hill and I was really tired. I needed frequent breaks to give my legs a rest. The others took breaks with me but I think by this time they were getting frustrated - I could see it on their faces and I was feeling really bad about holding them up and it made the last part of the hike that much worse. All I could think about was how I messed up their hike and just wanted to get back to the car so this day would be over. When we finally made it to the fence line I was elated since I knew the last half mile was all down hill. The hike took the better part of the day. We started a little after 9:00am and arrived back at the car somewhere around 5:00pm. PI Joe had a GPS and Bell Motel had a FitBit and we figured that we had hiked somewhere between 10 and 11 miles. I was just glad it was over - if I had done this alone I would have felt better about completeing a 10 mile hike (I have never hike this far before.) but I know they could have shaved an hour or so off this time if I hadn't been there. They were both supportive and cordial but I could tell they were also frustrated. Later tonight it got back to me that I did hold them up and they were a little frustrated which didn't make me feel any better. I know now that I can't keep up with them so I won't go on any hikes with them again - I am just not in good enough shape.
After the hike we met other boxers that had attended our event yesterday -
Letterboxing with Altitude (You can read about that at
A Letterboxing Event in Santa Fe.). We met at
Second Street Brewery and had a great time. It was a good way to end the day and the weekend. Those that attended the dinner were Azroadie, Desert Flower, PI Joe, FamilyTreeShaker, Bell Motel, ArnoldZiffel, Agent 86, Astro D, The Great Wuga Wuga, The Woodshed, Highwayman and myself.